Fikani Village Clinic for the under fives, recently completed and funded by Medical Mission News. This replaced a leaky grass shelter which the Health Visitors were unable to use in the rainy season.
Kambali Under Five's Clinic opened 2024. These clinics will be used not only for childrens health issues but also for Family Planning and Bible Study. Because these clinics have secure rooms the Malawi Ministry of Health is fitting them with solar panels and fridges to store vaccines for future vaccinations. Funded by Medical Mission News and Seedsowers Trust.
Newly opened Girls Changing Rooms at Chinamvuu Primary School. These Changing Rooms enable the older girls to continue their education during their monthly periods due to having a secure place to change and dispose their sanitary towels or pads. In the past they stayed home during this time.
A new double classroom block nearing completion at Nankuyu Primary School replacing a village community condemed building. This project funded by Christian Africa Relief Trust and Seedsowers.
The borehole sunk in Lundu in 2023, drilled to a depth of 45metres.
Due to cyclones Ana and Fredy many boreholes were contaminated with sewage and piplines distroyed. A village initiative at Rhou where spring water from Mount Mulanje is piped to various waterpoints lower down the mountain, some of the pipework was distroyed during these cyclones. Seedsowers donated the pipework for the repairs
Presentation of text books at Sayere School by trustees of Seedsowers Trust